it has been too dang long since i posted anything... but, i really haven't felt like writing anything. dunno why...
helped my brother move yesterday. he had a little cookout to thank the folks that helped him. hung out there for a bit last night.
been working and hanging out with amanda, a girl i work with. we went to the same high school - she was a year behind me. work stresses me. a lot of what they expect from me i have never done before and i am terrified of screwing it all up.
i have simon, the big orange kitty, pawing at me to get up into my lap.... and here he is, primed and ready to drool all over me. yum. i love to be loved, but cripes...
i had 8 inches cut off my hair... and nope, i dont have one damn pic... i suck, i know, sorry stace.