
Gluttony and a Makeover

what a day what a day! most of it, in true american fashion, was spent eating and, in true vernizzi fashion, drinking. dad brought out the bloody mary fixins and he and i put a hurtin on them. he managed to outdrink me and was 'asleep' sitting in a chair by about 4. luckily for him, dinner was still 2 hours away and he was able to catch up on some much needed sleep.
in the meantime, i recieved a very nice makeover courtsey of my dear sweet Haley. she lovingly applied to my face purple eyeshadow, blue and purple glitter and purple lipstick. with just as much love and care she painted the fingernails on one of my hands blue and other orange and topped it off with a little heart sticker on each nail. (Thanks Dale - your gift was a hit!)
dinner was great and betsy and i had fun cooking it.
i really missed joey and jessica being there. things are never the same without them
and dale and rob... every thanksgiving and christmas i remember the time they surprised us and showed up unexpectedly.
ok ok, enough cheese for one day... i have another turkey day to celebrate!
enjoy the photos - we vernizzi's can turn any holiday into something crass.

Nice to see Dad up and at 'em after his 5 blood mary induced 'nap'

Hmmmm, what is this?

My brother loves me, can you tell?

Haley playing with some of her birthday presents

This is what happens when you tell a 6 year old to smile showing teeth

Haley in her pretty Birthday/Thanksgiving dress